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How to use electric railcars correctly?

source: time:1970-01-01 Views:

While electric railcars are practical, we also need to use and maintain them correctly. How to use and maintain it correctly to prolong its service life and reduce faults in operation?

The correct operation of electric track trailer mainly includes the following points:

1. The railcar use department shall arrange special personnel to operate and maintain the railcar. Before use, the operator must read the product manual in detail, and know the performance and maintenance knowledge of the track flat car.

2. Within the range of one meter on each side of the electric track trailer, it is not allowed to put anything unrelated to transportation.

3. Materials should be placed evenly on the trailer table, and it is forbidden to overload.

4. The electric rail car must be able to start smoothly after ringing the bell. During operation, the operator should pay full attention, always pay attention to any abnormal situation around, and be ready to stop. When running, the trailer must not touch the "baffle" at the end of the track.

5. In operation, the electric track trailer should run slowly, and it is forbidden to change the direction of travel at a speed.

6. During operation, it is forbidden to overhaul and clean the track trailer, and it is forbidden to use the track electric flat car to top, bump, drag or pull other vehicles or objects on the track.

7. After major repair of the towing industry, it must pass the acceptance of the user unit and meet the requirements before it can be put into use again. It is strictly forbidden to operate with illness.

8, homework in case of sudden power failure, the control switch should be returned to zero; After the work is finished, cut off the power supply, unload the load and clean the equipment.

9. When the trailer is just used, it should be filled with reducer gear oil. During use, the lubricating oil of the reducer is sufficient, and it should be checked frequently for lack of oil and oil change.

10. In the face of corrosive and rusty working environment (such as salt industry and chemical workshop), regular inspection is required, and regular maintenance is required (please refer to the instruction manual for how to maintain).

